Danger Dwarves is a top-down multiplayer rpg inspired by Diablo. Play solo / offline / or with a group of friends and clear dungeons together or just chill / pvp in the ingame hub. Gain strength by killing mobs, upgrading your gear and exploring dungeons. The game's combat system is focused around primary and secondary attacks and features a randomized loot and item system.
Danger dwarves is a multiplayer game i made with a small group of students. Im one of the two programmers.
I Worked mostly on back-end programming like the item systems and inventory. Aswell as the saving and loading proces.
The items in the game were randomized from the stats to the apearance. With a database with all the possible names it could get.
The inventory is an inventory with an hotbar and equipment slots
Your progress was saved when you exit the game. and you can have as many save files as you want.